Wednesday 9 February 2011

Problems Commenting?

I have been told today that some people are unable to comment on the blog as you have to have a googlemail account to do so.  I'm really sorry if you've been trying to leave a comment and haven't been able to, I hope to find a solution to this asap.  I have also been told that it is hard to find this blog on google, and that is another problem that I'll try to sort out within the next week.

Monday 17 January 2011

Doll 4

doll 3

Doll 2

Doll 1

The Dolls Project

I started the Dolls Project last year as part of my work for my degree.  I have been interested for a long time in building dialogues with people that I haven't met and who know nothing about me.  I have tried many ways of starting these dialogues including posting adverts on  I have had varying results.
The Dolls Project is more about the act of giving something to a stranger than it is about the idea of communication and dialogue.  My want for dialogue or feedback has more to do with the nature of gift giving, which is meant to be voluntary and without expectation of return.  Yet something is expected in return, not straight away but eventually.  I've not yet heard from anyone who has found a doll, but this is not a failure, it is just part of what has happened.  I will still make and leave dolls for the foreseeable future.
For this reason I have made a new blog page with an easier address.  You can see my previous blog here,
The first four blog entries that I write after this will just be the images of the dolls I have left so far.